We are now accepting submissions for Volume 47, Issue 2.

New submissions will be considered on a rolling basis.


Comm/Ent is always seeking manuscripts from the legal community. We publish twice a year, once in the Winter and in the Spring. To be considered for publication in the Winter, manuscripts should be submitted in the late Spring or Summer. Spring submissions can be considered on a rolling basis, usually from Summer through the end of Winter.

Submission Requirements:

  1. Please submit your manuscript in Microsoft Word format, Times New Roman font, and double-spaced.

  2. We prefer articles that are minimum of 7,000 words and a maximum of 28,000, including footnotes.

  3. Footnote citations should conform with The Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation (21st ed.). Footnotes that fail to meet this requirement may be rejected or the author may be asked to resubmit a corrected version of the manuscript.

  4. In addition to the manuscript, authors must include resume or CV. A cover letter and abstract are optional.

How to Submit:

Comm/Ent strongly prefers electronic submissions through Scholastica (link below). However, submissions in Microsoft Word may also be sent via email to the Executive Articles & Acquisitions Editors at:

Reiko Harris
Executive Acquisitions Editor

Isaac Calderon & Alexander Zamanian
Executive Articles Editors

UC Law SF Communications and Entertainment Journal (Comm/Ent)

We look forward to working with you!

Submit via Scholastica.

Click link below to submit using Scholastica. Simply search UC Law SF Communications and Entertainment Journal under “Select Law Reviews”.